Wednesday 25 June 2008


A huge congratulations to my mate, she just has a gorgeous baby girl. Now I have to get into the workshop.
I was a bad girl last night and bought the foxy fairy kit on C&C, I just couldn't resist. Bang goes the groceries this fortnight...I just can not resist anything fairy,christmas or angelic. I know I was saving for my CISS but this was a seven day deal and the CISS will be there for longer than this kit will.
Everything seems to be coming together, I have been desperate for a new kitchen tap as we have had no cold water for ages and always wanted a leather sleigh bed, now we have been given the two things that need sorting plus my mate is coming to stay the weekend and the kids are having friends over for the evening tonight and tomorrow so it's going to be even more insane from now till next week. But hey if it were not manic here I would miss the activity.
I was dead chuffed yesterday, I emailed C&C and they read my email out, an old dear friend from my first days online was watching. She recognised my village name and contacted me. It was so good to hear from her.


Vixykins said...

Hiya Rach

I've put new pics of Molly Moo on :)

Great blog, keep it up, its a lot of fun!